Brian Ralph with KLS Homes is a home builder in Maple Ridge, BC. This is his third ICF foundation which was installed by SED Construction Ltd.
Construction of the walls began at 7:30 AM. By the end of the day the foundation, including bracing, was substantially complete. The site was open to the public to watch the installation and ask questions.
There are two mirror image lots side by side: each foundation is 149 feet in length and 9'-3" in height.
Attendees discussing the use of Fastfoot for forming the footings and the importance of working off a level footing.
Installing the third layer of ICF. As each Nudura block is 12 square feet, installation is very quick.
Installation of the fourth course of Nudura ICF. At this point, Zont brackets are attached to the wall 5' on centre.
Two layers of Zont brackets installed around the perimeter. Windows have begun taking shape.
Walers are first installed into the cavity of the Zont bracket. Vertical strongbacks to follow shortly.
Shawn McDaniel takes a few minutes to talk to the public and answer any questions.
At the end of the day the foundation is built to height and braced. The following day window bucks will be installed, and walls will be straightened prior to the concrete pour.